Friday, July 1, 2011

Victory thru bathing and set design! : D

I am taking care of myself!  Today I awoke and gave myself the luxury of taking a long hot bath.  Instead of meditating on a cushion, I meditated in a bathtub filled with lavender epsom salts.  Ahhhhhhh!  That was today's self care victory!  On the flip side I spent all day prepping to shoot my beloved partner for a video audition she needs to shoot and upload asap.  We just finished 10 minutes ago.  Part of me thinks I spent far too much time on it.  The other half of me is pleased because I LOVE DIRECTING.  The time consuming tech side of the prep was that this is an audition for a singing gig.  When we taped it last night we were both unsatisfied with the echo-y sounds of our living room.  So I went to bed bath and beyond and bought two mattress foams to provide sound insulation.  Still unsatisfied we proceeded to hang blankets on the wall, move our bed mattress and boxspring into the living room and in short - turn our living room into a set.  Then we proceeded to do take after take till we where happy.  Actually, my favorite takes were the ones for our blooper reel - the ones where our dogs started walking around in the background.  :  D  They are soo cute - they definitely pull focus from the star: Mz. We had to put them in lock down the in the bedroom till we were done.  Never work with kids or animals!  Well, I'm sure no one is reading this yet, because I don't think I've properly made it public...hmmm gotta fix it tomorrow.  Anyway, I'm content that I lived into my goal of logging an entry before midnight!  How are You Taking Care of Yourself?  You'll have to let me know once I get this out.

Aloha from Hollywood, CA
-Take Care of YourSoulSelf
oxox Mz. Divine